New Lebanon PM, Lawmakers Discuss Road Ahead

PostSat Dec 21, 2019 3:57 pm

VOA - Arts and Entertainment

BEIRUT - Lebanon's new prime minister consulted Saturday with parliamentary blocs, discussing the shape of the future government, and said afterward that legislators all had one concern: to get the country out of its ``strangling`` economic crisis. 

Hassan Diab, a university professor and former education minister, will have to steer Lebanon out of its worst economic and financial crisis in decades. He's also taking office against the backdrop of nationwide protests against the country's ruling elite. 

``Lebanon is in the intensive care unit and needs efforts'' by all sides, from political groups to protesters, Diab said. 

Consultations began a day after scuffles broke out in Beirut and other areas between supporters of outgoing Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Lebanese troops and riot police. The ex-premier's supporters were protesting Diab's nomination. At least seven soldiers were injured. 


Diab told reporters later that all members of Parliament encouraged him to form a cabinet ``as soon as possible.`` Cabinets usually take months to form in Lebanon because of bargaining among rival groups. 

Diab said he hoped to form a government of about 20 ministers made up of independents and technocrats within few weeks. ``It's time to work and we ask God to make us successful,'' he said. 

He added that the situation in Lebanon could not stand any delays amid its worst economic and financial crisis since the end of the 1975-90 civil war. 

Lebanese banks have imposed unprecedented capital controls in recent weeks. Thousands have lost their jobs and the economy is expected to contract in 2020. 

Diab began his meetings Saturday at Parliament with Speaker Nabih Berri, then held talks with former prime ministers, including caretaker Hariri. He later met with blocs at the legislature. 

Militant Hezbollah and its allies had previously insisted that a new government consist of politicians and experts, but on Saturday, Diab said ``all parties agree with me regarding a government made up of independents and experts, including Hezbollah.'' 

Legislator Paula Yacoubian, who backs the protest movement, said Diab told her ``the government will be fully made up of independents and that he will step down if there is going to be members of the state's political parties.'' 

She added: ``I heard very nice talk similar to what the people have been demanding.'' 

Protesters' demand

The protesters have been demanding a government that does not include members of political parties whom they blame for widespread corruption. Diab said he would meet with the protesters in the coming days, without elaborating. 

Earlier Saturday, Hariri cautioned supporters against violent protests, saying: ``The army is ours and police forces are for all Lebanese.'' 

An anti-government protester, right, leads a chant as activists gather outside the state-run electricity company in Beirut, Lebanon, Dec. 21, 2019.

Shortly before sunset Saturday, scores of protesters, including Hariri supporters, closed two major intersections in Beirut, demanding that Diab step aside and saying he failed to win wide support from Sunni legislators. 

Saturday's protests were peaceful, unlike those of the night before, when stones and firecrackers were hurled at security forces. 

The new prime minister won a majority of lawmakers' votes after receiving backing from powerful Hezbollah and its allies, which have a majority of seats in Parliament. 

However, he lacks the support of major Sunni figures, including the largest Sunni party, headed by Hariri. That's particularly problematic for Diab, who, as a Sunni, doesn't have the backing of his own community. And under Lebanon's sectarian power-sharing agreement, the prime minister must be Sunni. 

The head of Hezbollah's 12-member bloc, Mohammad Raad, said the group wants a government that preserves what the Lebanese have achieved in ``victories during the confrontation with the Israeli enemy and to maintain our national sovereignty, our maritime [oil and gas] wealth and land and to prevent the enemy from undermining its sovereignty and the national dignity.'' 

Anti-corruption efforts

A lawmaker from the bloc led by the Shiite Amal group — headed by Berri, the Parliament speaker — said the incoming government should focus on fighting corruption. 

``It should be an emergency government that works on solving the economic, financial, social and banking crisis,`` Anwar al-Khalil said after the meeting with Diab. 

Samir al-Jisr of Hariri's bloc said they would not take part in Diab's government. 

Hezbollah's ally, Gebran Bassil, who heads the largest bloc in Parliament, said the future government ``is not Hezbollah's Cabinet but of all Lebanese and it is not against anyone.'' 

Michel Moawad, a harsh critic of the militant group, said Diab told him the new government will not be controlled by ``Hezbollah and will not be confrontational.'' 

Hezbollah had backed Hariri for prime minister from the start, but the group differed with him over the shape of the new government. 

Lebanon's sustained, leaderless protests erupted in mid-October and forced Hariri's resignation within days. But politicians were later unable to agree on a new prime minister. Protests and paralysis have worsened the economic crisis. 

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